International Students’ Day is celebrated annually on November 17. The decade was established in 1941 at the international meeting of students of countries that fought against fascism, which took place in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946. The date is set in memory of the Czech students-patriots.
Today, Students’ Day is celebrated in many countries of the world, and although the programs for celebrating this day differ, it is very popular among student youth. And practically not a single university remains aside from this long-awaited celebration.
On November 17, one of the most important days in the life of students was held in the main hall of NIMSI. This is the Day of Initiation into Students for first-year students, as well as the International Day of Students. A concert was held at “URA” under the leadership of the professors of the Department of Clinical Disciplines.
Congratulatory words were delivered by the President of NIMSI, candidate of economics, professor Arynbaev J.T. He noted that student years are a wonderful time in the life of any person, when the foundations of the future are laid, hopes come true, and the whole life ahead is full of wonderful ideas and grandiose achievements.
Orozov R.N. , vice-rector for science, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Narbaev M.R., vice-rector for Gos.yazyku Bolotbekov K.M. and vice-rector pohoz.chasti Jorjoev T.A.
This year, the best students were awarded for the 2020-2021 academic year.
At the end of the event, there was a ceremonial presentation of a record book, a student card, a “key” representing the key to knowledge, to first-year students.
The concert program was held in three languages: Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian. Students performed various concert numbers. This year, dances, songs, games, funny scenes are devoted to the life of students.

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