
Russian language and culture in Kyrgyzstan

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  • Russian language and culture in Kyrgyzstan

The faculty of the Scientific Research Medical and Social Institute took part on February 11 in the international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Russian language and culture in Kyrgyzstan: history and modernity, problems and prospects for interaction” at the International University named after K.Sh. Toktomamatova (MNU, Jalal-Abad). The conference was held in a hybrid format (offline and online), which was attended by more than 115 scientists and specialists in philology and pedagogy, history and political science, ethnography and cultural studies from universities and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republic (KNU , KSU named after I. Arabaev, KSMA, ZHAGU, SMU, Osh State University, BatSU, MNU), as well as representatives of local governments, representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, International Humanitarian University. P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg), the Russian Center for Science and Culture, the Russian Center of the Russian Fund “Russian World” in Osh, the “Eurasian Generation” Foundation, the Assembly of the Peoples of Kyrgyzstan for the Jalal-Abad region, Jalal -Abad Regional Association “Slavic Diaspora”. The participants discussed their research and shared their opinions in the study of this topic.

The conference made a significant contribution to the promotion of the study of the Russian language and Russian culture in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in the CIS countries. We express our gratitude to the rectorate and faculty of the Moscow National University for organizing and holding the conference!

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