On March 19, 2021, the Rector of the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) in St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honorary Professor of a number of Russian and foreign universities Pimenova Marina Vladimirovna visited the Research Medical and Social Institute. A professor from St. Petersburg got acquainted with the teaching staff and with the activities of NIMSI. During the meetings, a joint cooperation agreement was officially signed with the rector of NIMSI, Professor Tampagarov Kushtarbek Bekmuratovich, and the rector of the IFL, Professor Pimenova Marina Vladimirovna. The teaching staff listened to lectures as part of the course “Methods of teaching the humanities at school and university.” Joint cooperation with the St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Languages will improve the development of science and the strengthening of Kyrgyz-Russian cooperation in the field of higher professional education and science. We wish NIMSI and IFL success and cooperation in the field of science and education!

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